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Mobile Computing

Mobile PDA

Learn about the new hardware for the mobile internet, the latest software for your palm, PDA or mobile, reviews & news
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Mobile Village

Created by and for enterprise end-user buyers and vendors of mobile and wireless technology. Includes news, online courses, forums, and links.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Mobile Insights, Inc.

Provides consulting, research, a mobile newsletter and the annual conference on mobile computing and data communications.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Laptop Reviews

Laptop reviews and benchmarks with Laptop prices compared and discussed.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Rutgers University: DataMan

Mobile computing laboratory in Rutgers University, conducting research projects in the areas of information systems in highly mobile and wireless environments, data management, non interactive web
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Communicating Scarf

Hybrid design between real and virtual from Electronic Shadow.[Mostly French but nice pictures and a movie]
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Wearable Computing - eyetap.org

Steve Mann presents link collections on technology, complete systems and people as well as short articles on e.g. applications and definitions, plus news and a FAQ.
Profile: 0 Reviews.