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Arts & Humanities

The Village of Arts and Humanities

Jan 30, 2007 |
The Village of Arts and Humanities is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building community through the arts. ... Read more

School of Arts and Humanities

Feb 21, 2007 |
Information about the school and it's administration, together with links to sites of the constituent institutions. ... Read more

Arts and Humanities Data Service

Feb 21, 2007 |
A catalogue organized to collect, preserve and promote re-use of the electronic resources which result from research in the arts and humanities ... Read more

The Dactyl Foundation for the Arts and Humanities

Feb 21, 2007 |
A not-for-profit organization, encourages the view that there is a place for artistic intention even in a world without telos. ... Read more

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Feb 21, 2007 |
Honorary society that recognizes achievement in the natural sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and conducts a varied program of projects and studies responsive to the needs of society. ... Read more