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An online free article directory or hub that allows writers authors to feature their articles, and publishers webmasters to search for quality articles for reprint.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Elsevier Science

Information on journals in a wide range of academic fields. Includes subscription details, author information and online access for subscribers.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Medical Journals

MDLinx provides physicians and healthcare professional with free medical news updates in over 30 specialty areas and over 700 subspecialties.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Total Cardboard Online and Print Journal

A literary journal of avant-garde persuasion, available in print format and also online.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Directory of Open Access Journals

Categorized, searchable links to free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

EBSCO Online

An electronic journals service available to both academic and corporate subscribers. It aggregates access to electronic journals from various publishers.
Profile: 0 Reviews.