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Science Searching

Internet Public Library

Regional Science & Tech Social Science Ready Reference.
Profile: 0 Reviews.


Access to peer-reviewed scientific and technical journal literature. Developed by the U.S. DOE to facilitate searching and accessing peer reviewed journal literature in the physical sciences and other
Profile: 0 Reviews.

DOE: Energy Science and Technology Virtual Library

Collections of scientific and technical information from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) with a distributed searching capability.
Profile: 0 Reviews.


Has links for science teachers, biology teachers in particular, as well as general education links. Includes useful sites for lesson planning and searching the internet.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Bioinformatics and Biological Computing

Comprehensive bioinformatics site, with access to multiple database searching and sequence analysis tools - from the Weizmann Institute of Science.
Profile: 0 Reviews.

Medline: A Guide to Effective Searching

A book for health professionals, health science students, and researchers. Explains the importance of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), and publication types.
Profile: 0 Reviews.